Friday, January 21, 2011

Sunny Day in Coral Harbour.  I just noticed that I haven't taken pictures of our house yet...  When the temperature, becomes reasonable again I will go out and do so.  It is presently -38 but feels like -54.  Thankfully, Brian was able to drop off and pick up the kids today so I wouldn't have to walk with them. This afternoon, school was cancelled (they send the kids home at -50).  Despite the cold, five of our young Inuit friends made it tonight.  I MADE them put on their fur-rimmed hoods to walk back home.  I felt so bad, some of them not even wearing any winter pants (some is poverty, some is pre-teen "I want to be cool").  We had lots of fun tonight playing monkey in the middle and colouring.  I also made a filling and nutritious snack (spinach extraordinary cheese dip with crackers) as well as a treat (Jello).  I was happy to hear that on Wednesday nights there is a girls club at the school for girls in grades 4 to 9.  These kinds of programs are a necessity to give this generation a fighting chance.  I hope there is one for boys as well.

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